Bundeena 2007 The Year in Review

As the year draws to an end we look at the events that shaped Bundeena Maianbar in 2007.

Development in and around Bundeena came to the forefront during the year. The most notable was the renovation of the main street. The upgrade consumed the second half of the year with residents & businesses having to tolerate parking and road restrictions. While the majority of works has completed some finishing touches remain for the new year.

The development on the old Uniting Church grounds got into full swing with the completion of the new access road and the start of the first lot of houses. Controversy erupted during construction when an aboriginal midden on the site collapsed. Residents pointed the finger at developers though Council staff determined it was a case of “natural causes”.

Bundeena Development Resumes

Bonnie Vale was closed for several months to allow for a major upgrade of facilities. After several years of protests and legal battles the corner store site was approved though an appeal was contemplated. A fence was quickly installed after the decision but no works have started since. Some works may start in 2008 though the sale of the new houses on the Uniting Church lot may influence when.

The approval for the upgrade of Bundeena wharf along with plans to renovate current buildings housing The Fringe and Century 21 office means residents will have no respite from the constant sight of construction.

Bundeena Maianbar State Election 2007Bundeena Firies in Action

Bundeena Maianbar residents were called to the polls twice during the year for both State and Federal elections. The bush fire season started on an ominous note when a fire broke out at Cabbage Tree Creek. Fortunately, a wet summer has seen no repeat.

Tragedy struck on a number of fronts during the year. The first road fatality in the Royal National Park in six years took the life of a Jannalli teenager. The town learned it was not immune from violence when controversial resident Ken Dyers had committed suicide. When a whale beached itself at Bonnie Vale locals gathered in aid but sadly to no avail.

Bundeena Maianbar Art of Living Festival 2007Bundeena Classical Concert

Bundeena was the place to be and a number of tourism operators were awarded accordingly.  The annual  Art of Living  was the biggest and best with top musical acts and this year a new dog contest premiered to the amusement of all. The town was also treated to the classics when a world renowned violist performed and we even had our own opera house opening!

The year was an eventful one and 2008 promises to be the same.

Related Story 2006 The Year in Review

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