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Deliberative Democracy
Politics doesn't have to be this way, we already have the answer.
Kyle Redman on deliberative democracy and the political philosophy that informs it at Bundeena House.
The current democratic system for taking public decisions - rooted in short-termism and political parties - has perverse incentives that stifle action, exacerbate polarisation and increase distrust. However, we can look toward new non-electoral understandings of democratic representation. The principle idea of deliberative democracy - a political theory largely inspired by Jürgen Habermas - is that political decisions should be the result of fair and reasonable discussion and debate among citizens who form a collective judgement. But how can we do this? Enter citizens' assemblies.
Kyle Redman joined new Democracy in 2016 and has designed and managed several of new Democracy's major projects in Australia and overseas. Kyle co-authored the United Nations Democracy Fund handbook Enabling National Initiatives to Take Democracy Beyond Elections, and the recently published book The A, B & C of Democracy.
Saturday 13 August 3:00pm to 4:30pm. Gold coin donation. BYO
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